Vacancies of Associate Professor & Assistant Professor in Nizam’s institute of medical sciences
Job or Vacancy Description:Applications with registration fee of Rs.500/- are invited to fill up Associate Professor in Pathology and Neurology & Assistant Professor in Neurology:
Associate Professor in Pathology and NeurologyPay: (PB 4-Rs.37400/- – 67000-/-) Pay Rs.37400/- Grade Pay Rs.8700 + AllowancesQualification: Six years teaching and/ or research experience in a recognized Institution in the subject of specialties after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D./M.S or Four years after obtaining M.Ch/DM of Three years duration or Qualification recognized equivalent thereto. Out of which Three years as Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor in Neurology:Pay: (PB 3-Rs.15600/- -39100/-) Pay Rs.18750/- Grade Pay Rs.6600 + AllowancesQualification: One year after obtaining M.Ch/D.M. or M.Ch/D.M. of 3 years duration or qualification recognised thereto
General Instructions:1. The qualification of candidate should be recognized by the Medical Council of India.2. The date, month and year of passing the degree and details of experience must be given clearly to assess the experience requirement.3. The candidates will be recruited against the actual requirements of posts. The numberof vacancies may be modified at the time of actual selection.4. The total experience as on the last date of notification will be taken into account and must be indicated clearly.5. The qualifications, age, experience, shall be supported by true copies. Upper Age limit is 55 years for faculty.6. The Institute reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up any post advertised.7. The Institute reserves the right to change the requirements.8. If qualified candidates are not forthcoming the Institute reserves the right to fill up the post at a lower level than that advertised.9. The employees of the Institute are governed by NIMS service rules in all matters relating to service.10. Candidates shall attend the interview at their own cost, no TA/DA shall be paid by the Institute.11. Candidates who have not fulfilled as per the requirement will not be permitted to attend the interview.12. Candidates who are already employed (NIMS/Government/Any Institute) should forward their applications through proper channel failing which they shall not be permitted to appear for the interview.13. Selection / Recruitment of candidates to the posts advertised will be made based on MCI & NIMS Standing Orders and statutory orders issued from time to time by Govt will be followed.14. The selected candidates for the post of faculty have to execute a Bond on non- judicial stamp paper worth Rs.100/- for Rupees 2 Lakhs only in the prescribed proforma to serve the Institute for 2 years continuously.15. The filled in applications should reach the Executive Registrar, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Punjagutta, Hyderabad – 500 082, Andhra Pradesh, India as per the last date mentioned against the posts. Postal delay shall not be accepted.16. Incomplete applications will be rejected. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.17. Interviews for only eligible candidates.18. For any further details please contact Academic Section over phone No. 040-23489059.
Tentative Last Date : 13-05-2011
About the organization:to create a Centre of Excellence for providing medical care, educational and research facilities of high order in the field of medical science in the existing super specialties and such other super specialties that may develop in future, including continuing Medical Education and Hospital Administration to develop patterns of teaching in post graduate level and in super specialties so as to set a high standard of medical education to provide for training in paramedical and allied fields, particularly in relation to Super-Specialties to function as a referral hospital and to provide for post graduate teaching and conduct of research in the relevant disciplines of modern medicine and allied sciences, including interdisciplinary fields of physical and Biological sciences Inspired by the objectives, the Medical and Management professionals of NIMS are striving for excellence. As part of it, several courses have been organized under different disciplines. NIMS is recognized by University Grants Commission and Medical Council of India. The administration of NIMS is carried out under the supervision of Governing Council, Executive Board, Director and other statutory bodies. NIMS is located at the prime centre of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, and spread over an area of about 23 acres. It has the constructed area of more than Six lakh sq.ft. The recently constructed giant structure, i.e., Millennium Block, itself has added an area of about one sixth of the total space. This Institute extends its services through 28 Departments. Out of them, 16 are Super and Broad Specialties and others are Supporting Departments. The Institute has a bed strength of 985 beds, out of which 684 are in General Wards, 117 in private rooms and 184 in emergency and post operative care. The average number of out-patients visiting the hospital per day is about 1275, and the number of in-patients admitted per day is about 80. The average bed occupancy is over 89%. As on date, this University has a cadre strength of about 2219 staff members. which includes Faculty-139, Residents (students)-172, Junior and Senior Residents-43, Medical Officers & Senior Medical Officers-14, College of Nursing & School of Nursing-6, College of Physiotheraphy-6, Offcers-14, Ministerial-149, Paramedical-304, Nursing-426, Class IV-115, Consolidated Staff-21, Fessey workers about 810 and the remaining for other categories. Interestingly NIMS has been consistently maintaining a very good patient doctor ratio of about The Genesis of NIMS dates back to the year 1961. The Nizam’s Charitable Trust thought of starting a speciality Hospital for orthopaedic patients with an initial investment of Rs.55 Lakhs. The foundation stone was laid on 16.07.1961 by Sri Morarji Desai, Minister for Finance, in the cabinet of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. The Nizam’s Orthopaedic Hospital was inaugurated by Sri S.K.Patil, Union Minister for Railways and was declared open by Her Highness, the Princess of BERAR on 22.12.1964. The Nizam’s Charitable Trust gave the hospital to the Government of Andhra Pradesh on lease for a term of 99 years on 13.02.1976. The hospital was renamed as Nizam’s Institute of Orthopaedics and Specialities and was inaugurated by Sri Jalagam Vengala Rao, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 31.03.1976. The Govt. established the Institute of Medical Sciences on 11.03.1980 as an autonomous body registered under A.P. Public Societies Registration Act. This was inaugurated by Dr.M.Chenna Reddy, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 17.03.1980. With the objective of developing into a full fledged super speciality hospital for patient care, research and training, the Govt., transferred NIOS to IMS on 25.03.1986 under the name of Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, during the tenure of Sri. N.T.Ramarao, Chief Minister of A.P, with Prof. Dr.Kakarla Subbarao as the first Director. With the objective of further developing the educational and research facilities in the field of medical sciences in super specialities and to develop a pattern of teaching in post graduate level including training in para medical and allied fields, the Andhra Pradesh State legislature passed a bill making NIMS a university. The Act came into effect from 18.06.1989 and NIMS was recognised by the University Grant Commission, Medical Council of India, Royal Society of Radiologists of UK.On the Academic front the Institute conducts several courses recognised by Medical Council of India. It offers about 40 disciplines. NIMS conducts 8 super speciality courses of DM and M.Ch. in the Departments like Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Plastic Surgery, Urology and CP&T. Similarly NIMS conducts 6 broad speciality courses of MD, MS and DMRD in the Departments like General Medicine, Pathology, Orthopaedics, Anesthesiology, Radiology and Hospital Administration. College of Nursing started on 2nd October 1991 and 209 students have compileted B.Sc (Nursing) till 2004. This is recognised by Indian Nursing Council. School of Nursing started in NIMS in the year 1999. As per the G.O.MS.No.560 MH WF Dt.26-11-1998 suggested to start School of Nursing with intake of 30 students per Batch. Recognised by Andhra Pradesh Nursing Council vide Lr.No.APNMC/GNT/2700, Dt.26-05-2003, Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, F.No.18/411/2000-INC-921, Dt.16-05-2002. Each year students has appear board examination. After completion of the course student be awarded will “A” grade certificate by Government. Bachelor in Physiotherapy was introduced in Nizam?s institute of medical sciences for the first time in Andhra Pradesh in the year 1996, considering the dire dearth of qualified Physiotherapists in this part of the country. As per the World Health Organization, rehabilitation is included as a part of comprehensive health service delivery model. A large number of patient population afflicted with disorders of joint muscles, bones, brain, nerves and certain cardio pulmonary conditions essentially require a long term physiotherapy support. The aim of this program is to create quality human resources in this field of health care. Master of Physiotherapy was introduced in NIMS in the year 2001. This course is designed to meet the need of physiotherapists and specialists in Physiotherapy who wish to further develop expertise in aspects of clinical practice specific to Physiotherapy. The primary objective of this course is to provide students with specialized knowledge and clinical skills necessary for effective and competent Sports Physiotherapy practice, including advance training in Musculo skeletal Physiotherapy research. NIMS also carries out 13 Fellowship courses and several observership programmes for the benefit of the students. Specialists and Super Specialists are periodically deputed to obtain further training in their branches from Govt. Medical Colleges and Corporate Hospitals. For the benefit of Paramedical students 13 P.G. Diploma/Diploma Courses are conducted. In addition, several training programmes are conducted for the doctors, nursing staff, paramedical staff and ministerial staff on various Advanced Technological asceptes. Further several students are guided in computer based hospital project works as part of fulfillment of the courses of MCA, MBA and M.Sc (Computers). The performance of the Institute as a hospital is measured with the parameters of number of beds, number of Out-patients, number of In-patients, number of Surgeries, bed occupancy rate, average length of stay, mortality rate and revenue generation. Presently the hospital has 985 beds compared to 246 beds of 1986. Out of these 985 beds, 684 are in general wards, 117 in private rooms and 184 in emergency and post operative care. The average number of out patients visiting the hospital per month is about 32,000 and the number of in-patients admitted per month is about 2,600. It is gratifying to note that NIMS is a referral Hospital with a clientele of more than 250 organisations. During the year 2008, the number of out-patients has recorded a figure of 4.12 lakhs, which may be compared with 1.09 lakhs in 1986. Similarly the number of in-patients has increased from about 6,758 to 31,295 during the same period. Presently the average bed occupancy is about 89%. While the average length of stay is 11 days during the year 2008, the mortality rate is about 2% leaving the well being at 98%. Interestingly NIMS is consistently maintaining a very good ratio of about 3:1 for the patient to the Doctors. All these figures under different heads speak out ultimately the services rendered by NIMS to the patients, quantitatively. The number of surgeries is almost maintained at about 27,767 in the year 2008. Out of them 8,701 are major operations, 16,248 are minor operations and 2,818 are emergency operations. EMERGENCY TREATMENT : There is a separate block in the Institute for emergencies and its a unique of its kind in India. This functions like a model hospital with all the facilities round the clock.. This ward contains about 36 beds, a separate Lab, X-ray machine, ECG machine. There is a Chief Medical Officer, Duty medical Officers and Sr. residents from General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Neurology are available. If necessary for any other complications and problems the CMO calls for the assistance of the departments, where the duty doctor will be available round the clock. The patient is treated in Emergency for the initial rescue and once the condition is stable, then the patient will be sent to the concerned department for further treatment. Some patients even get discharged form the EMD and some who do not require admission, will be treated on Outpatient basis and sent home. They can come after for follow up as Out-Patient. OUT-PATIENT TREATMENT : This is sub divided into Morning clinic and Special Clinic. For out-patient treatment the patients have to pay before the test is performed. Most of the tests are performed same day without any prior appointment and some special tests require precautions and preparation, for which the appointment will be given and the test will be done on that day. The morning clinic registration begins at 8AM and will continue till 11AM. All the registered patients will be seen the by the doctors. There is no need to take prior appointment. The clinic is open from Monday to Saturday. In the Morning clinic team of Doctors will be available. Depending on the order the patient will go to a doctor. The patient does not have the choice of choosing the Doctor. The Special clinic registration begins at 4PM and continues till 7PM. All the registered patients will be seen the by the doctors. The registration will be done only for those who have taken prior appointment. The appointments are also limited depending upon the Faculty. In Special clinic, the Faculty of the Institute will be available. The patient can opt for going to a particular Doctor. For this he has to take prior appointment. The appointment can be taken over phone 23489244,23489245,23396552, 23315588 or in person. IN-PATIENT TREATMENT: After completion of Out-patient treatment, some of the patients require the special care under the supervision of the doctors, Surgery or Special investigations which requires them to be admitted. For this they have to pay an advance and get the case sheet. There are about 40 wards, which are classified as General Wards, Intensive Care units, Post Operative Wards and Special Rooms. In Intensive Care units, Post Operative Wards the total patient care will be taken by the nurses and where as in General Wards and Special rooms one attendant will be allowed for assistance in addition to the nursing care. In special rooms, there are two types one is Shared room and another is Single Room. In each sharing room two beds are available. There will be extra charges for the patients who stay in Shared Paying rooms and single rooms on diagnostics and special procedures. This will be 10% and 25% for shared and single rooms respectively. Here the patient need not to pay the amount for each test that is being performed. If the payment due is more than a certain amount, then the staff in that ward/room will inform about it and he has to deposit the same. The medicines and disposables have to be bought by the patients. If any costly consumables / medicines are supplied by NIMS in emergency then the patient has to repay the amount at the earliest. The treatment will be continued until the doctor certifies that the patient is fit to resume his duties.
Address :Nizam’s institute of medical sciences(A UNIVERSITY ESTABLISHED UNDER STATE ACT)PANJAGUTTA :: HYDERABAD – 500 082
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Vacancies of Associate Professor & Assistant Professor in Nizam’s institute of medical sciences
Job or Vacancy Description:
Applications with registration fee of Rs.500/- are invited to fill up Associate Professor in Pathology and Neurology & Assistant Professor in Neurology:
Associate Professor in Pathology and Neurology
Pay: (PB 4-Rs.37400/- – 67000-/-) Pay Rs.37400/- Grade Pay Rs.8700 + Allowances
Qualification: Six years teaching and/ or research experience in a recognized Institution in the subject of specialties after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D./M.S or Four years after obtaining M.Ch/DM of Three years duration or Qualification recognized equivalent thereto. Out of which Three years as Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor in Neurology:
Pay: (PB 3-Rs.15600/- -39100/-) Pay Rs.18750/- Grade Pay Rs.6600 + Allowances
Qualification: One year after obtaining M.Ch/D.M. or M.Ch/D.M. of 3 years duration or qualification recognised thereto
General Instructions:
1. The qualification of candidate should be recognized by the Medical Council of India.
2. The date, month and year of passing the degree and details of experience must be given clearly to assess the experience requirement.
3. The candidates will be recruited against the actual requirements of posts. The number
of vacancies may be modified at the time of actual selection.
4. The total experience as on the last date of notification will be taken into account and must be indicated clearly.
5. The qualifications, age, experience, shall be supported by true copies. Upper Age limit is 55 years for faculty.
6. The Institute reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up any post advertised.
7. The Institute reserves the right to change the requirements.
8. If qualified candidates are not forthcoming the Institute reserves the right to fill up the post at a lower level than that advertised.
9. The employees of the Institute are governed by NIMS service rules in all matters relating to service.
10. Candidates shall attend the interview at their own cost, no TA/DA shall be paid by the Institute.
11. Candidates who have not fulfilled as per the requirement will not be permitted to attend the interview.
12. Candidates who are already employed (NIMS/Government/Any Institute) should forward their applications through proper channel failing which they shall not be permitted to appear for the interview.
13. Selection / Recruitment of candidates to the posts advertised will be made based on MCI & NIMS Standing Orders and statutory orders issued from time to time by Govt will be followed.
14. The selected candidates for the post of faculty have to execute a Bond on non- judicial stamp paper worth Rs.100/- for Rupees 2 Lakhs only in the prescribed proforma to serve the Institute for 2 years continuously.
15. The filled in applications should reach the Executive Registrar, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Punjagutta, Hyderabad – 500 082, Andhra Pradesh, India as per the last date mentioned against the posts. Postal delay shall not be accepted.
16. Incomplete applications will be rejected. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
17. Interviews for only eligible candidates.
18. For any further details please contact Academic Section over phone No. 040-23489059.
Tentative Last Date : 13-05-2011
About the organization:
to create a Centre of Excellence for providing medical care, educational and research facilities of high order in the field of medical science in the existing super specialties and such other super specialties that may develop in future, including continuing Medical Education and Hospital Administration to develop patterns of teaching in post graduate level and in super specialties so as to set a high standard of medical education to provide for training in paramedical and allied fields, particularly in relation to Super-Specialties to function as a referral hospital and to provide for post graduate teaching and conduct of research in the relevant disciplines of modern medicine and allied sciences, including interdisciplinary fields of physical and Biological sciences Inspired by the objectives, the Medical and Management professionals of NIMS are striving for excellence. As part of it, several courses have been organized under different disciplines. NIMS is recognized by University Grants Commission and Medical Council of India. The administration of NIMS is carried out under the supervision of Governing Council, Executive Board, Director and other statutory bodies. NIMS is located at the prime centre of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, and spread over an area of about 23 acres. It has the constructed area of more than Six lakh sq.ft. The recently constructed giant structure, i.e., Millennium Block, itself has added an area of about one sixth of the total space. This Institute extends its services through 28 Departments. Out of them, 16 are Super and Broad Specialties and others are Supporting Departments. The Institute has a bed strength of 985 beds, out of which 684 are in General Wards, 117 in private rooms and 184 in emergency and post operative care. The average number of out-patients visiting the hospital per day is about 1275, and the number of in-patients admitted per day is about 80. The average bed occupancy is over 89%. As on date, this University has a cadre strength of about 2219 staff members. which includes Faculty-139, Residents (students)-172, Junior and Senior Residents-43, Medical Officers & Senior Medical Officers-14, College of Nursing & School of Nursing-6, College of Physiotheraphy-6, Offcers-14, Ministerial-149, Paramedical-304, Nursing-426, Class IV-115, Consolidated Staff-21, Fessey workers about 810 and the remaining for other categories. Interestingly NIMS has been consistently maintaining a very good patient doctor ratio of about The Genesis of NIMS dates back to the year 1961. The Nizam’s Charitable Trust thought of starting a speciality Hospital for orthopaedic patients with an initial investment of Rs.55 Lakhs. The foundation stone was laid on 16.07.1961 by Sri Morarji Desai, Minister for Finance, in the cabinet of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. The Nizam’s Orthopaedic Hospital was inaugurated by Sri S.K.Patil, Union Minister for Railways and was declared open by Her Highness, the Princess of BERAR on 22.12.1964. The Nizam’s Charitable Trust gave the hospital to the Government of Andhra Pradesh on lease for a term of 99 years on 13.02.1976. The hospital was renamed as Nizam’s Institute of Orthopaedics and Specialities and was inaugurated by Sri Jalagam Vengala Rao, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 31.03.1976. The Govt. established the Institute of Medical Sciences on 11.03.1980 as an autonomous body registered under A.P. Public Societies Registration Act. This was inaugurated by Dr.M.Chenna Reddy, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 17.03.1980. With the objective of developing into a full fledged super speciality hospital for patient care, research and training, the Govt., transferred NIOS to IMS on 25.03.1986 under the name of Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, during the tenure of Sri. N.T.Ramarao, Chief Minister of A.P, with Prof. Dr.Kakarla Subbarao as the first Director. With the objective of further developing the educational and research facilities in the field of medical sciences in super specialities and to develop a pattern of teaching in post graduate level including training in para medical and allied fields, the Andhra Pradesh State legislature passed a bill making NIMS a university. The Act came into effect from 18.06.1989 and NIMS was recognised by the University Grant Commission, Medical Council of India, Royal Society of Radiologists of UK.On the Academic front the Institute conducts several courses recognised by Medical Council of India. It offers about 40 disciplines. NIMS conducts 8 super speciality courses of DM and M.Ch. in the Departments like Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Plastic Surgery, Urology and CP&T. Similarly NIMS conducts 6 broad speciality courses of MD, MS and DMRD in the Departments like General Medicine, Pathology, Orthopaedics, Anesthesiology, Radiology and Hospital Administration. College of Nursing started on 2nd October 1991 and 209 students have compileted B.Sc (Nursing) till 2004. This is recognised by Indian Nursing Council. School of Nursing started in NIMS in the year 1999. As per the G.O.MS.No.560 MH WF Dt.26-11-1998 suggested to start School of Nursing with intake of 30 students per Batch. Recognised by Andhra Pradesh Nursing Council vide Lr.No.APNMC/GNT/2700, Dt.26-05-2003, Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, F.No.18/411/2000-INC-921, Dt.16-05-2002. Each year students has appear board examination. After completion of the course student be awarded will “A” grade certificate by Government. Bachelor in Physiotherapy was introduced in Nizam?s institute of medical sciences for the first time in Andhra Pradesh in the year 1996, considering the dire dearth of qualified Physiotherapists in this part of the country. As per the World Health Organization, rehabilitation is included as a part of comprehensive health service delivery model. A large number of patient population afflicted with disorders of joint muscles, bones, brain, nerves and certain cardio pulmonary conditions essentially require a long term physiotherapy support. The aim of this program is to create quality human resources in this field of health care. Master of Physiotherapy was introduced in NIMS in the year 2001. This course is designed to meet the need of physiotherapists and specialists in Physiotherapy who wish to further develop expertise in aspects of clinical practice specific to Physiotherapy. The primary objective of this course is to provide students with specialized knowledge and clinical skills necessary for effective and competent Sports Physiotherapy practice, including advance training in Musculo skeletal Physiotherapy research. NIMS also carries out 13 Fellowship courses and several observership programmes for the benefit of the students. Specialists and Super Specialists are periodically deputed to obtain further training in their branches from Govt. Medical Colleges and Corporate Hospitals. For the benefit of Paramedical students 13 P.G. Diploma/Diploma Courses are conducted. In addition, several training programmes are conducted for the doctors, nursing staff, paramedical staff and ministerial staff on various Advanced Technological asceptes. Further several students are guided in computer based hospital project works as part of fulfillment of the courses of MCA, MBA and M.Sc (Computers). The performance of the Institute as a hospital is measured with the parameters of number of beds, number of Out-patients, number of In-patients, number of Surgeries, bed occupancy rate, average length of stay, mortality rate and revenue generation. Presently the hospital has 985 beds compared to 246 beds of 1986. Out of these 985 beds, 684 are in general wards, 117 in private rooms and 184 in emergency and post operative care. The average number of out patients visiting the hospital per month is about 32,000 and the number of in-patients admitted per month is about 2,600. It is gratifying to note that NIMS is a referral Hospital with a clientele of more than 250 organisations. During the year 2008, the number of out-patients has recorded a figure of 4.12 lakhs, which may be compared with 1.09 lakhs in 1986. Similarly the number of in-patients has increased from about 6,758 to 31,295 during the same period. Presently the average bed occupancy is about 89%. While the average length of stay is 11 days during the year 2008, the mortality rate is about 2% leaving the well being at 98%. Interestingly NIMS is consistently maintaining a very good ratio of about 3:1 for the patient to the Doctors. All these figures under different heads speak out ultimately the services rendered by NIMS to the patients, quantitatively. The number of surgeries is almost maintained at about 27,767 in the year 2008. Out of them 8,701 are major operations, 16,248 are minor operations and 2,818 are emergency operations. EMERGENCY TREATMENT : There is a separate block in the Institute for emergencies and its a unique of its kind in India. This functions like a model hospital with all the facilities round the clock.. This ward contains about 36 beds, a separate Lab, X-ray machine, ECG machine. There is a Chief Medical Officer, Duty medical Officers and Sr. residents from General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Neurology are available. If necessary for any other complications and problems the CMO calls for the assistance of the departments, where the duty doctor will be available round the clock. The patient is treated in Emergency for the initial rescue and once the condition is stable, then the patient will be sent to the concerned department for further treatment. Some patients even get discharged form the EMD and some who do not require admission, will be treated on Outpatient basis and sent home. They can come after for follow up as Out-Patient. OUT-PATIENT TREATMENT : This is sub divided into Morning clinic and Special Clinic. For out-patient treatment the patients have to pay before the test is performed. Most of the tests are performed same day without any prior appointment and some special tests require precautions and preparation, for which the appointment will be given and the test will be done on that day. The morning clinic registration begins at 8AM and will continue till 11AM. All the registered patients will be seen the by the doctors. There is no need to take prior appointment. The clinic is open from Monday to Saturday. In the Morning clinic team of Doctors will be available. Depending on the order the patient will go to a doctor. The patient does not have the choice of choosing the Doctor. The Special clinic registration begins at 4PM and continues till 7PM. All the registered patients will be seen the by the doctors. The registration will be done only for those who have taken prior appointment. The appointments are also limited depending upon the Faculty. In Special clinic, the Faculty of the Institute will be available. The patient can opt for going to a particular Doctor. For this he has to take prior appointment. The appointment can be taken over phone 23489244,23489245,23396552, 23315588 or in person. IN-PATIENT TREATMENT: After completion of Out-patient treatment, some of the patients require the special care under the supervision of the doctors, Surgery or Special investigations which requires them to be admitted. For this they have to pay an advance and get the case sheet. There are about 40 wards, which are classified as General Wards, Intensive Care units, Post Operative Wards and Special Rooms. In Intensive Care units, Post Operative Wards the total patient care will be taken by the nurses and where as in General Wards and Special rooms one attendant will be allowed for assistance in addition to the nursing care. In special rooms, there are two types one is Shared room and another is Single Room. In each sharing room two beds are available. There will be extra charges for the patients who stay in Shared Paying rooms and single rooms on diagnostics and special procedures. This will be 10% and 25% for shared and single rooms respectively. Here the patient need not to pay the amount for each test that is being performed. If the payment due is more than a certain amount, then the staff in that ward/room will inform about it and he has to deposit the same. The medicines and disposables have to be bought by the patients. If any costly consumables / medicines are supplied by NIMS in emergency then the patient has to repay the amount at the earliest. The treatment will be continued until the doctor certifies that the patient is fit to resume his duties.
Address :
Nizam’s institute of medical sciences
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(Bhavnagar Univ.) B.Com II Yr. Exam Result March 2011
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AUCET Results 2011 Declared Rank Cards,Counselling Schedule at AndhraUniversity.Info
Download Andhra University Common Entrance Test 2011 Results...
AUCET-2011 Entrance Tests are scheduled during April 27th - 01st May 2011. It is the first time in the State to get the results within 12 hours of the last entrance examinations - Said by AU Vice-Chancellor. AUCET - 2011 Results are now announced bu the officials which is used to get admission to PG courses in various Campus colleges of Andhra University, Adikavi Nannaya University and Dr. B R Ambedkar University. AUCET 2011 Counseling date for admission in to PG Courses will begin from 30th May 2011 and the detailed schedule will be placed on the official website at http://www.andhrauniversity.info/doa/. About 13,000 Seats are available for PG Course.
Candidates who appeared for the examination can get the results and other information from the link provided below:

Candidates who appeared for the examination can get the results and other information from the link provided below: